What games do you play with your dog when you’re in the park or on a walk? If a tennis ball and chukka is getting a bit repetitive then here are some new ideas to add to your play-tool kit!

Variety Is...
I’m not saying never play fetch – it can be fun in small doses. But try to exercise your dog’s brain as well as his body; maybe vary the tempo – mix up speed games with games that teach your dog calm and focus; or try appealing to your dog’s other senses eg scentwork games. In fact, there are oodles of games that don’t involve relentless ball throwing. Here are some excellent ideas courtesy of Kay Laurence and Helen Philips:
Dog Game 1 - Sheep balls
Border Collies love this one but other breeds can play too.
Dog Game 2 - Marked retrieve
This one develops steadiness, patience and delivery to hand.
Dog Game 3 - Stalk that ball
slow, steady focus in partnership with your dog. This video uses a cup-on-a-stick but you could easily use a tennis ball in the cup instead of food
Dog Game 4 - Watch, Go, Stop
Fun & Focus with a Flirt Pole/Whip-it!
Dog Game 5 - Teaching ‘Directional Send’
Get that one, not those ones.